
Processes of Assessment and Intervention Programmes

The information below outlines the processes that are undertaken to ensure you gain access to the best quality of provision.  If you have any questions about these processes please contact Andy on 07427 182652 where he will endeavour to answer your questions and queries.


The questionnaire provides some useful information on developmental aspects throughout the pregnancy, the first few years of life and to the present day.  This information is used to evaluate if an initial consultation would be recommended.

Initial Consultation

This appointment lasts approximately one hour and involves discussions about the information sent via the questionnaire, as well as some preliminary assessments (i.e. balance and coordination, listening tests, educational tests etc) to decide if an intervention programme is required.

Full Assessment

The full assessment is individualised and involves a comprehensive 3 hour assessment in areas such as:

  • Balance and postural control
  • Coordination (both gross and fine muscle control)
  • Listening skills
  • Eye movement control and other visual abilities
  • Educational tests
  • Memory and sequencing skills

At the end of the full assessment a home-based programme will be introduced.

Report Consultation and Home-Based Programme

Following the full assessment a written report will be provided and a report consultation will follow.  This provides an opportunity to ask any questions about the information contained within the report as well as clarify any queries about the home-based programme.

Review Consultations

The review consultations provide an opportunity to assess progress made, answer any concerns and to advance the intervention.  They last one hour and happen approximately every 6 weeks.

Final Consultations

Final consultations take place after a 3-month period and then a further 6-month period when the intervention programme has been completed.  This will ensure that the progress and advances that have been made will remain without the intervention programme in place.

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